Why Should You Join A Club Like Ours?
A Place to learn in safety: To successfully learn to fly model aircraft you will require help and instruction. The amount of help and instruction required may vary from person to person, but to simply try and go it alone will end in disappointment or potential disaster. A model aircraft is most certainly not a toy and has the potential to cause serious injury and even fatality should a model strike a person. It is therefore extremely important to operate model aircraft safely and responsibly and have the required skills to be in full control of the model at all times, something which can only be achieved with tuition and practice.
Your subscription gives you automatic B.M.F.A membership: B.V.R.M.C. is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (B.M.F.A.). The B.M.F.A. is the body delegated by the Royal Aero Club to be responsible for all aspects of model flying in Great Britain. It is also recognised as the sole representative organisation for the sport in the U.K. by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) which is the world wide governing body for all forms of sporting aviation, including model flying. The B.M.F.A. provides us with our 3rd Party Insurance Cover. Accidents can happen and the event of a model crashing into someone else’s property or in the worst case scenario a person, we require suitable insurance cover. The cover, which the B.M.F.A. provides us with, has a Limit of Indemnity of £5,000,000. When you join our club as a full member, your yearly subscription includes your B.M.F.A. membership. We deal with the administration of your membership with the B.M.F.A. and they forward your Certificate of Insurance to the clubs Treasurer, who in turn will post this on to you. To find out more information about the B.M.F.A. and what they do for us as members, you can visit their website at (https://www.bmfa.org)
Our current members are incredibly supportive: A model aeroplane or helicopter is a miniature version of a full-size aircraft and uses the same primary controls and principles to fly. As such you will need to learn new skills to fly one. By joining our club, you are joining a membership of approximately 150 like-minded modellers. We have many members who are willing to spend their spare time offering advice and helping others to learn to fly as well as enjoying the hobby to their own ends. Whilst our members are not under any actual obligation to help anyone, you may be surprised at just how many are willing to assist you! We all had to learn once and we hope that members always remember the assistance they were given when learning, and offer that to others.
Please note: that whilst members who help you learn to fly will do their very best to prevent your model from being damaged, they can in no way be held financially responsible for any damage that may occur to your equipment. They are after all doing their best to help you out of good will.
Regular club meetings: One of the best reasons to join a club is the social aspect. We hope that you will meet and make new friends within the club. We hold our meetings on the second Thursday of every month to discuss any matters arising (a good excuse to have a drink and a chat with your mates!). Many a summer flying session is ended with a “swift half” down the road!
We can lend a hand:
When you have purchased your model and are constructing it / installing your engine and radio gear and you hit a problem and need advice, you can bring the model to the flying field and get the required help.
When you believe that the model is ready to fly, again members will check your model over to ensure that it has been built correctly and that there are no faults with the installation of the engine and radio gear. Then the model can be test flown and trimmed, ready for your tuition to begin.
Our Buddy-Box System: In addition to the “Buddy Box” system utilised on the club trainer, the club also owns two further transmitters with “Buddy Leads”. These are again held by designated members so that these “Buddy Box” transmitters can be linked to your own transmitter and provide Dual Control. All of the radio equipment owned by the club is made by Futaba. As such our own “Buddy Box” transmitters will only be compatible if your radio gear is also made by Futaba. This doesn’t mean that you can’t buy a different make of Radio Gear, only that the club owned transmitters wouldn’t be compatible.
Even if the club’s transmitters are not available or not compatible with your own Radio Gear, this won’t prevent you from learning. It just means that your instructor will have to pass you the transmitter and re-take it from you should you get into difficulty. It is therefore very important to instantly offer the transmitter back to the instructor as soon as they request it.